Yes, see if you can guess the connection between these two fossils.
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Plus a...
3 days ago
Are they two animals bearing a pair of lateral processes on their heads?
The vertebrate seems a juvenile procolophonid, am I right?
Hemm... "an owenettid" may be a better answer.
Saurodectes is both an insect and an owenettid!!!!! "Saurodectes" is another "invertebrate" name that kills a fossil reptile name (after Rahona, Ingenia, Nemegtia, Mononichus...) ? The owenettid on the left must change its name?
I apologise for writing 3 comments...
Wow that was quick! Yes you are correct, both were named Saurodectes.
For those naming new animal taxa, the website Nomenclator Zoologicus is indispensable for finding pre-occupied names.
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