I am a palaeontologist living and working in Alice Springs, in the red centre of Australia. I moved here with my wife and three kids from Johannesburg, South Africa. I used to focus my research on dinosaurs, and it is fair to say I am still a dino nut but these days I work on fossils from the NT, be they turtles, tassie tigers or anything else. In my spare time I like to watch birds, catch beetles, lizards and snakes and generally find out as much about the species around me as I can.
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Thankyou to everyone who wished us well and has shown support. I'm sure the risks, though scary, are not very likely. Anyway I hope you all have a wonderfull Australia Day. A couple of us expats thought about singing the national anthem at the tea table this morning - but couldn't remember the words.
My girlfriend wishes you a (late) Australia day too.
She had a similar national anthem moment yesterday, but as the only Aussie in our household none of the rest of us could help her out... Though I did my bit by waving her flag patrotically in the air for a moment.
Anyways hope everything works out with your little one soon.
My girlfriend wishes you a (late) Australia day too.
She had a similar national anthem moment yesterday, but as the only Aussie in our household none of the rest of us could help her out... Though I did my bit by waving her flag patrotically in the air for a moment.
Anyways hope everything works out with your little one soon.
Shame on you Adam, everyone knows the words to the Australian national anthem.
It begins:
Iiiiiiimmanuel Kant was a real pissant
Who was very rarely stable
Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
Who could think you under the table
All together now!
Happy Australia Day to you too, although the comment is a day late.
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